Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Here be Dragons!

Due to my deep and abiding love of Dragons and of critical thought, I give you


This is long but worth it. Brian Dunning (the host/narrator) does a weekly skeptics podcast skeptoid and is involved in the collaborative effort that is the skepticblog.

And now I am off to find some dragons.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas! uh, and some socks!

Merry Christmas everyone. I hope your holidays were wonderful. Me, after a long day filled with overindulgence and too many presents to count I sat down to check email and found myself laughing.

Sing along if you love handknit socks!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

A Princess...

Your result for The Princess Bride trivia Test...


Inconceivable! You scored ###!

A respectable score. This movie is probably nestled in your dvd collection, and its not gathering dust either. You are a big fan, if not yet utterly devoted. A few of the questions may have stumped you, but instead of being annoyed, this just makes you want to watch it again to find out the answers. Well done!

Take The Princess Bride trivia Test
at HelloQuizzy