Speaking of Happily Ever After, we managed a trip to Disneyland recently to celebrate Maia turning 2 years old. And she has delved into the terrible twos with great aplomb. She has taken the use of the word NO! and all of its myriad subleties to heart. She practices all the time. I am sure she will be a woman to reckon with when she is grown. But for now, she is smitten with Mickey Mouse. Isn't the world a fun place?
We went through the line in Mickeys house, had some trouble with Donald and Goofy (apparently they were ignoring Maia as she told them in no uncertain terms to come down from the projecter room and talk to her) and finally had our turn in the photo room with Mickey Mouse. I had to hold her back as the children in front of us had their picture taken, and then she raced right up to him and gave him a hug. I kicked myself for an idiot for not having my camera on at that point, but we managed to get her to stand still for a moment with her brother (Liam was riding the fast coaster with Dada - ever my little dare-devil).
Right after this picture, she fell over the step running back to me. As she cried in my arms, and I assured the workers there that all was well, and she was just two, and two year olds did not necessarily look for steps, I asked her to say bye bye to Mickey, so as to avoid the shock that he was gone when we left the room. She looked over my shoulder and cried out in her broken little voice "Bye Mickey" as we left the photo area. It had the helpful people in there with Mickey in stitches. It was really the most tragically cute thing we heard all day.
And so begins summer. Swimming Lessons have once again begun in our home, and thus herald the true beginning of Summer. Brandon is quickly getting the hang of things this year, and I live in the hope that this is the year that he will be swimming on his own in Grandma's pool. One more step toward freedom again. I understand this is a LOOONNGGG journey for those with children. Longer I think for those of us with three. Liam is working on getting his head under water, and Maia... well, we shall be happy when she finally decides to blow bubbles. Yes. Bubbles. In the water. It is apparently a very important step in learning to swim. Swimming lessons also mean sun. Lots of sun. I am currently looking into buying stock in sun block, but for now I am quickly on my way to burning to a crisp. Yes. Even after slathering on all kinds of waterproof 50+ sunblock. My lovely multicultural brown children, however are turning the color of fresh baked gingerbread. Sigh. I knew I picked good genes when I married their father! And to add to my excess of sun exposure this summer, for the first time, we have an above ground pool. I am actually really happy to have it. It has been fun to play around in it with my children - and maybe eventually by myself - and my little amphibians are quickly becoming fluent in their new water habitat. I may actually manage to beat the heat this year without blasting the A/C all summer. Now, if only I can manage enough shade....
Now, onto secret knitting...
I have brand new addi-turbo's and lace weight- aren't they the beauties?
I have one month to complete this project. Wish me luck! (I'm going to make another batch of Fudge, just in case though)
ooh, what kind of lace is it and who is it for? Please please oh please tell me!
Great shrug! :)
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