You know how when you used to be close with someone but you haven't talked to them in a long while, and suddenly you get a call out of the blue, you don't know what to say? How do you catch them up on the daily hum drum of life without sounding like a broken record? It has been so long since I blogged that I kind of feel like that. I feel like I should catch you up, but there is so little of consequence... and yet there are a few really big things.
My husband has a job, but we don't know for how long, and they haven't been paying him for all the hours he's been working. And he has been working a lot. Most days he leaves before I get up in the morning to get the kids ready for school, and he gets back just as I finish getting them ready for bed. The kids have been staying up late just to see him. The other day, I told Liam he ask Daddy when he got home and Liam said "Daddy's coming HOME tonight!" I felt so badly - both for him and for Javier. It was one of the things we both liked best about him working nights. He always got to see the kids. And if there was ever a problem he was home. But ultimately I am more than grateful for the fact that he has a job, no matter how crappy the hours or the work conditions, and I am trying hard to make home a place that he wants to be when he actually has the time to be there. It is also making me very reluctant to leave the house when he is home. I miss my husband. A lot.
I am doing contract knitting. I have set up an email, and have cards and what not, but now I need to build a web page. Any offers for help? Apparently people need to see what I knit, and they want to see it online. Not that I blame them, but for some reason I am having difficulty getting everything together for this. It would be a really good thing to have some real income from this. I did just finish a couple of baby blankets, which were really wonderful, and brought in enough to get my daughter a booster seat. She is almost four, and was more than ready to get out of her "baby" car seat. I have pictures of the blankets, but I can't seem to find the card reader for my camera. Sigh. Must add that to my to do list.
Brandon, my bouncing baby boy is turning 9 at the end of this week. I can hardly believe that he has grown so big so fast. I miss his bubbly baby giggle, and the bouncing little dance he used to do when he was 2. But he still has the biggest, most soulful brown eyes. I'm having trouble with the idea that he is going to have his last single digit birthday in 5 days. I think I'm more aware of the turning of the years because I don't have an infant at my breast this year. It seems strange somehow, but I'm not planning another. That makes me a little sad too...
And finally, hearing of couples that have split, or worse a beloved spouse passing, I find that I am more than grateful for my family. I look at my husband and am grateful for his love and his constant support in a whole new way. I know that I can weather an storm with him by my side. No matter what happens with his work, no matter where we end up in this world, if we can do it together, we will be alright.
This reminds me. We should talk on the phone more. ;-)
I think I am going to cry...Maybe not.
Love You!!
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