Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Knitty Gritty

Hey Ya'll

Sending out word that Knitty Gritty apparently needs a little help. Found this on the knitlist.

"If you haven't noticed it Knitty Gritty seems to be being faded out
on DIY and HGTV, it has been religated to ridiculous time slots, and
no new shows have been filmed!!
It seems like the craft shows in general are being tossed aside for
other topics!!

When the networks cancelled the show Jericho there was an outrage and
outpouring of support. The fans did a crazy thing. They each send 1
peanut to the network! On May 29th the network received 10,000 pounds
of peanuts.. Needless to say Jericho is back!

So let's follow suit! There is a campaign on to bring Knitty Gritty
back to a decent hour, and get more new shows filmed and aired!

Simply do this.. Knit a 7x9 swatch out of acrylic, or other washable
yarn. And send it to the network at:

Scripps Networks P.O. Box 51850 Knoxville, TN 37950

We want to try to get the bulk of them there on Valentines day! So
put a note on the swatch that you love Knitty Gritty! We are
encouraging Scripps to send the swatches they receive to Warm Up

We have rocked the vote before getting a loom knitting show on Knitty
Gritty, so let's show our thanks by supporting them when they need it!

Please.. if you love Knitty Gritty, join us and lets flood the
networks mailbox with Knitty Love!!
And get the word out on your blog or whatever forum you are member of
where you think that there would be interested knitters!!

Let's Knit!

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