Saturday, September 8, 2007

A Birthday Surprise for Liam

On Monday (Yes, Labor Day, the very day my precocious little boy entered this world), we went to Disneyland to celebrate Liam's birthday with 2 of his very best friends. The day was hot, but the park wasn't crowded, and we were set to have a wonderful day. Liam's buddy Nico met us at the gate, and after a quick jaunt on the Buzz Lightyear Astro Blaster ride, we were set for an early lunch...when low and behold, what should arrive? The Force. The Jedi's were out and about, and our 3 boys were unable to eat. Faced with this dilema, I shrugged my shoulders, and was dragged down to the roped area where young Jedi are chosen. Here you yell, jump up and down, and use your mighty (though young) powers of the force to be chosen to hold a lightsaber, and become a paduan learner for the day. The force was indeed strong with our 3 young aspiring Jedi, for ALL of them were chosen to go up on the stage.

Getting their Jedi robes....

Learning the days lesson from our resident Jedi Master...

The Dark side Rises...

The Battle Begins...

The Dark Side Retreats....

They proudly cross the stage to recieve their Jedi in Training Paduan Learner Certificates. A proud moment indeed.

They had more fun than is decent for 3 young paduan, took part in an amazing battle for the fate of their souls, and defeated the dark side. A good days work, I think.

Later, we met up with Robert

and had a sticky good time with Pat E. Cake,

decorating our cakes (and ourselves) for a chance to win the decorating contest.

Apparently it was a close thing...we all won!

Then it was off for more rides. We rode Star Tours, Buzz Lightyear, and the Rockets at least twice. Pirates figured in there, along with Splash Mountain - a dousing which was quite refreshing in the heat of the day - and I discovered the secret of the Winnie the Pooh ride. What, you ask, could possibly be the "Secret of the Winnie the Pooh ride"? I'm bribable. I take yarn and playdates at Disneyland. :D

1 comment:

Nean the Bean said...

What a fabulous birthday party! Terrific photos! Too good to ever forget! My soon-to-be-14-year-old son would still LOVE such a thing! Thanks for the great descriptions, too!